
Intl Workshop on Strategic Leadership

Intl Workshop on Strategic Leadership
Date : 2017/11/05 / Visit Count : 2110
The Int’l Workshop on “Strategic Leadership” was held on 4 November 2017 with the Int’l legendary speaker and bestselling author, Brian Tracy, at the IRIB Int’l Sheikh Mofid Conference Hall in Tehran.
During this one-day workshop including four ninety-minute sessions, the globally-renowned speaker and author, Brian Tracy trained the participants with the innovative methods of both organizational and personal strategic leadership by using practical and interesting examples in an interactive and private framework.
Brian Tracy has been the top sales trainer, consultant, and director of more than 10,000 companies in the last 40 years. He is the author of over 40 books including “Eat That Frog”, “Psychology of Selling”, “Time Power”, “The 100 Absolutely Unbreakable Laws of Business Success” etc. He has thus far spoken in more than 80 countries within the fields of Strategic Management, Sales and Marketing, Time Management and Success.
Over 60 managers, business owners and senior executives of top Iranian organizations, especially the Iranian Impactors Club members, attended this workshop and were taught on subjects such as Practical Planning, Time Management, Increasing Efficiency, etc.

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